A Healthy Woman is A Happy Woman !

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Women have different daily nutritional requirements to men, and below our nutritionist has offered guidance and recipe ideas for women seeking a balanced diet for good health – but what exactly is meant by a ‘balanced diet’? There are some simple rules to follow like getting your five-a-day, including three servings of whole-grains and choosing more fish, poultry and less red meat while opting for low-fat dairy foods. But that’s not the whole story – how much should you be eating and when is the best time to eat protein, carbs or fats? Read on for our guide to healthy eating around the clock.


Kick start your metabolism by including protein at breakfast, choose from eggs, salmon, lean ham or low-fat dairy. We burn more calories digesting protein rather than carbs so, by making your breakfast a protein one, you’ll be revving up your metabolism and because protein foods keep you fuller for longer, you’ll eat fewer calories the rest of the day.
A protein breakfast needn’t take any longer to prepare – top your morning toast with a scrambled egg, a slice of smoked salmon or some lean ham and when you do have a little more time enjoy an omelette or frittata.
Whatever you do don’t skip breakfast as this sets your blood sugar off on a roller coaster, which means you’ll end up choosing the wrong foods later in the day. Remember breakfast makes an important contribution towards your daily intake and it plays a key role in maintaining a healthy weight.

Mid-morning snack

Eating little and often is the ideal way to manage your blood sugar levels – this doesn’t mean you’ll be eating more but spreading your day’s intake evenly throughout the day. Make every snack count with nourishing options that supply both the ‘pick me up’ you need while topping up your five-a-day.
Swap your morning biscuits for oatcakes spread with peanut or almond nut butter and a banana or have a tasty dip with veggie sticks.


Make lunch a mix of lean protein and starchy carbs. Carb-rich foods supply energy and without them you’ll suffer that classic mid-afternoon slump. The key is to choose carbs that produce a steady rise in blood sugar, which means passing on the sugary ‘white’ foods and going for high fibre whole-grains which help you manage those afternoon munchies.
Opt for an open rye-bread sandwich topped with salmon, chicken or low-fat dairy as well as plenty of salad or choose whole-grain toast topped with baked beans.

Happy women Day 🙂Womens-Day-Images

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